Monday, 7 February 2011

Film Project: Changes in the process

After editing the first section of filming we was very pleased, but there was a slight hitch as the lighting was very awkward to edit as it was so dark, but after a bit of concentrating on this we finally cracked it. But in our storyboard we had a shot of a silhouette, the 'Killer' stabbing the 'Victim' on the wall, but after filming the other day we had a look around at where can create this silhouette but it was looking doubtful.

However in a media lesson we all put our heads together and decide to ditch the silhouette would be to hard to create and if we did it wouldn't be as good as we thought. instead of this shot we came up with a new few shots we would make the stabbing visible and see the knife enter and me hitting the floor.

After drawing this idea down, we were all happy in the change of storyline and think it would be better more iconic shot of me hitting the floor.

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